
More and more chemicals, used to protect the seed in the first stages after sowing, are being phased out for application on seed. With this protection gone, the need is created for more resilient seeds, without the use of chemicals. 

SeedTuning, together with its sistercompany Seed Technology Services in the US, has embarked on a mission to develop processes that give seedlings an optimal rate of survival without the use of fungicides. The key of the processes that are developed is two-fold: 

Firstly, we make sure the seed is cleaned of all pathogens by submitting it to a unique, proprietary cleaning process that leaves behind no residue. The nature of this process varies per crop. This seed can then be used in controlled circumstances for sowing. 

Even a cleaned seed can be vulnerable as well to attacks from harmful pathogens and has no protection from natural occurring beneficial pathogens. Therefore, we offer the option to coat the seed, after cleaning, with microbiology such as Bacillus or Trichoderma, to occupy the empty spaces on the seed with an organism we know to be beneficial and leaving no space on the seed for others. Tests have shown that the micro-organisms also form colonies on the roots of germinated plants, when it is applied as a seed coat. 

We have developed various disinfection methods, of which many are organically certified by OMRI in the USA. 

We encourage customers to contact us and send samples for cleaning and/or subsequent inoculation with bio-stimulants, so they can judge for themselves how efficient these processes are for their products. 



  • Better germination
  • More useful plants
  • Disease free seed

Disinfection example



Left treated - right untreated
Left treated - right untreated



Seeds before treatment
Seeds before treatment 
Seeds after treatment
Seeds after treatment
Seeds after inoculation
Seeds after inoculation
Colonisation shown on roots after germination
Colonisation shown on roots after germination