The best start

Every grower knows the importance of fast growing, uniform and healthy starting material for their success. For growers working with seed, SeedTuning can help achieving this by using techniques that help increase speed and uniformity of seedlings and provide seed that is protected from diseases. At the end of our processes with your seeds, we can safely say that you will be able to produce more usable seedlings than before you came to us – giving you the best start.
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Disinfection is done to eradicate seed-borne diseases. During the process, seed is disinfected to kill the pathogen, while maintaining seed quality at an acceptable level.

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Dormancy Breaking

Dormancy Breaking

A dormant seed is one that is unable to germinate in a specified period of time under a combination of environmental factors that are normally suitable for the germination of the non-dormant seed. SeedTuning are specialists in the field of dormancy breaking and have a variety of technical abilities and expertise in order to break the dormancy of a seed lot. 

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Some types of seeds are difficult to sow mechanically due to the form or the size of the seed. The seed is enclosed during pelleting in a specially formulated coating. Pelleting makes the seed more equal in shape, weight and size, and makes it easier and simpler to use in a precision device such as a seeding machine. After pelleting, the seeds can be sown at correct distances and depths with less seed loss.

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